Take Your AI Conversations to the Next Level

Move beyond basic queries with iterative prompting that drives smarter outcomes in HR

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🌟 Iterative Prompts Yield Deeper, More Valuable Insights

I bet that in most of your AI interactions, you ask a question, get an answer, and the conversation ends there. What if I told you there’s a better way to tap into AI's potential?

Chain-of-thought prompting takes AI beyond basic Q&A, allowing you to build a dynamic dialogue, step by step. It’s like coaching a colleague who helps solve complex problems by thinking out loud and refining ideas along the way. For HR professionals, this means creating smarter workflows, making data-driven decisions, and enhancing your day-to-day operations with deeper insights.

So, what exactly is chain-of-thought prompting? Simply put, it’s the process of guiding AI through a series of connected questions, or "thoughts," to reach more nuanced and accurate conclusions. Rather than asking one big question and hoping for a miracle, you can break down your request into smaller parts and lead AI through your reasoning. This approach not only helps clarify complex issues but also sharpens the quality of AI responses. You’re guiding the thought process and that’s how the magic happens.

Using Chain-of-Thought Prompting in HR

Here’s how chain-of-thought prompting could work for you in HR:

  1. Refining Job Descriptions
    Start by asking AI to review a job description. Then prompt it to analyze potential gaps and suggest areas for AI integration, like automating repetitive tasks or using AI for recruitment processes. Finally, go further by asking how these recommendations align with your company's strategic goals.

  2. Conducting Exit Interviews
    Instead of using AI just to generate standard questions, use chain-of-thought prompts to develop more personalized exit interviews. Start by gathering insights from previous feedback, then ask AI to create follow-up questions based on emerging patterns. This iterative process yields more actionable insights.

  3. Building a Training Roadmap
    Start by asking AI to assess your current employee skill sets. Then, prompt it to analyze gaps in knowledge. Finally, direct it to suggest customized learning paths for your teams based on those identified gaps. With this step-by-step approach, you get more effective training outcomes.

It’s like coaching a colleague who helps solve complex problems by thinking out loud and refining ideas along the way.

As an HR professional, you are increasingly expected to drive innovation within your organization. Chain-of-thought prompting enables you to not only leverage AI for more than just basic tasks but also develop strategies that directly influence business outcomes. Imagine moving from simply automating tedious paperwork to using AI for critical decision-making, such as talent development, employee engagement, and inclusion initiatives. Chain-of-thought prompting helps you think ahead, pushing AI to analyze multiple variables rather than just generating surface-level responses.

Moreover, it’s a process of teaching AI how to help you refine your thinking. By breaking down complex challenges into smaller, more manageable pieces, you make sure that the AI is aligned with your objectives. Think of it as the ultimate brainstorming partner that never gets tired or runs out of ideas.

Finally, as Paul often reminds HR professionals, effective prompting is key to unlocking the full potential of AI. By mastering chain-of-thought prompting, you’re positioning yourself not just as a user of AI but as a strategic leader who knows how to harness this tool for maximum impact. It’s about thinking smarter, not harder.


  1. AI thrives with direction. Structured prompts that build upon previous answers yield more robust, meaningful results.

  2. Iterative questioning enhances depth. The more you guide AI through your thought process, the more valuable insights it provides.

  3. AI is your thinking partner, not just a tool. Chain-of-thought prompting transforms AI from a static tool into a dynamic collaborator that evolves with you.

Now’s the time to refine your prompts and prepare everyone in your organization to use AI.

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

Use prompt templates and profiles to structure your prompts. As you learn this skill, you not only get better AI results, you have building blocks that you can reuse for future prompts. 🚀

📄 Prompt of the Week

Engagement surveys can be powerful tools to help you understand how your employees feel about their efforts at your organization.

You are an AI assistant with expertise in developing employee engagement surveys for HR professionals.

Develop a comprehensive engagement survey for my organization to gauge employee satisfaction, motivation, and engagement levels. The survey should include a mix of qualitative and quantitative questions to cover various aspects of workplace culture, leadership, communication, growth opportunities, and work-life integration.

To create a well-rounded survey that provides actionable insights into the factors influencing employee engagement, including areas that may need improvement.


  1. Create 10-15 questions, with a balance of multiple-choice, scale-based (e.g., 1-10), and open-ended questions.

  2. Ensure the questions cover topics such as:

    • Job satisfaction and fulfillment

    • Relationship with leadership and peers

    • Opportunities for growth and development

    • Work-life integration

    • Recognition and rewards

    • Communication within the organization

  3. Include an optional section for employees to provide feedback anonymously.

  4. Include a clear introduction that explains the purpose of the survey and how the results will be used.

Provide the survey in the following format:

  • Introduction

  • Survey Questions: broken down by section, with a clear indication of the question type (e.g., multiple-choice, scale, open-ended)

Replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

As you continue to use prompts like this, you will learn what works best for you.

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

🤩  The Fun Side of AI

Using AI doesn’t have to be all work. Here is a fun way to interact with AI.

🗣️ Learning Languages with AI

Language Learning Call GIF by Izispik

ROLE: You are my language learning partner, helping me practice conversational Spanish.

GOAL: Help me improve my vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills in Spanish. Correct my mistakes gently and provide explanations for any errors.

REQUEST: Let's have a conversation in Spanish on the following topic: [choose a topic like traveling, food, hobbies, etc.]. I would like you to ask me questions, and I will respond in Spanish. After each response, provide feedback on my grammar, word choice, and pronunciation tips if applicable. Please suggest alternative ways to express my thoughts to improve my fluency.


  1. Use simple and intermediate-level vocabulary to match my current skill level.

  2. Correct my errors and explain why they are incorrect.

  3. Offer alternative expressions to help me sound more natural in Spanish.

  4. Every few lines, introduce a new vocabulary word and use it in a sentence.

CONTEXT: I am an intermediate Spanish learner with basic understanding of grammar and common phrases but need help with fluency and natural conversation.

OUTPUT FORMAT: Dialogue exchange with feedback after each of my responses.

Want to get better AI results?

Visit perpeta.com and discover how to use building blocks like snippets, profiles, and templates to make, store, and organize your perfect prompts.

Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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