We brought together the Dynamic Duo to help you on your journey of integrating AI in how you manage people.

Let’s meet them:

Paul Carney, SPHR

Paul Carney is a well-known HR professional and technology geek. He writes and speaks about using AI in managing people because he has a passion for helping leaders learn how to leverage the immense power of generative AI (GenAI) in their companies.

And in response to recent rumors, yes, he is a unicorn. 🦄 He has a very unique combination of expertise in technology, business, and Human Resources that very few people in the business world have. It is this combination of talents that enables him to help you quickly and effectively learn to integrate GenAI in how you manage people.

Paul earned respected accreditations from the Blockchain Council as an AI Expert™ and Certified Prompt Engineer™. Paul also published the insightful book Move Your Æ(ash): Know, Grow, and Show Your Career Value in 2018.

Perpeta Paul™

Perpeta Paul™ is the AI virtual persona of Paul Carney. Perpeta Paul was born out of Paul’s work to download his extensive knowledge and experiences in technology, business, and HR into an AI Expert System.

Perpeta Paul is the integration of that Expert System with a massive database of HR and business information AND the powerful capabilities of generative AI (GenAI). As smart as Perpeta Paul may be, Paul reminds him that he doesn’t know everything that Paul knows – yet. 😁

With so much going on over the past year regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is impacting Human Resources (HR), we are determined to help HR professionals and people who manage people understand all of this.

We created the Promptly HR™ newsletter so that you can stay one step ahead of the rapidly evolving landscape of AI in HR. Each issue focuses on practical AI applications in how you manage people, helping you to understand and implement AI strategies effectively. 

Subscribe now and join our journey to embrace the transformative power of AI in reshaping how we manage people!