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  • Choose Your Prompt Style Wisely for Better AI Responses

Choose Your Prompt Style Wisely for Better AI Responses

Learn the difference between verbose and structured prompts

In partnership with

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🌟 Mastering the Art of AI Prompt Design

Do your AI prompts hit the mark? Are you really getting the results you wanted? 🤔 

With AI, not all prompts are created equal, and the way you structure them can make a big difference in the quality of the responses you receive. Today, we compare different styles you can use to harness AI effectively: verbose prompts versus structured prompts. Both styles have their own merits, but understanding when and how to use each can turn simple AI queries into powerful tools for insights and decision-making.

Verbose prompts are like having a free-flowing conversation. You provide a lot of detail, context, and background all in one go, hoping that the AI picks up on the nuances. This approach can feel natural and less rigid, often leading to a broader exploration of topics. However, there is a downside. It can be easy for the AI to miss the point, leading to vague or off-track responses. And let's be honest, who hasn't felt frustrated when the AI didn’t quite get what we meant?

On the other hand, structured prompts take a more disciplined approach. Think of them as the outlines of an essay or the agenda of a meeting—clear, concise, and goal-oriented. By explicitly defining the role of the AI, the goal of the prompt, the request, and other key elements like context and output format, you guide the AI much more precisely. This method reduces ambiguity and increases the chances of getting targeted, relevant answers. It’s like giving the AI a roadmap, rather than just a destination. 📍



Free-flowing conversation

More disciplined approach

Feels natural and less rigid

Clear, concise, and goal-oriented

Broader exploration of topics

Guide the AI much more precisely, like a roadmap

AI can miss the point, leading to vague or off-track responses

Reduces ambiguity and increases the chances of getting targeted, relevant answers

So, which should you use? The answer lies in your goals. If you're exploring new ideas or looking for a broad range of insights, verbose prompts might be your go-to. But for detailed, specific outputs like drafting an HR policy or analyzing employee engagement data, structured prompts can save time and deliver more accurate results. Remember, learning to switch between these methods as needed is a skill worth mastering, much like a well-crafted AI prompt itself.

Why Structured Prompts Matter

Remember the days in school when the teacher made us diagram sentences? I knowit might bring up some bad memories. But what they were teaching us can make the difference when we apply it to AI prompts.

  • Clarity and Precision in Communication: Structured prompts reduce the ambiguity that can arise with verbose prompts. When dealing with sensitive HR topics—such as employee grievances or performance evaluations—clear, direct communication is key. Structured prompts help AI respond with results that align more closely with your request, minimizing misunderstandings.

  • Efficiency and Consistency: In HR, time is a resource as valuable as talent. Structured prompts streamline interactions, making it easier to obtain specific, actionable information quickly. This efficiency not only saves time but also allows HR professionals to maintain consistency in responses, which is essential when communicating policies or guidelines across the organization.

  • Better AI Training and Refinement: Using structured prompts regularly can help train AI systems to better understand the unique needs of your organization. Over time, this consistent use builds a more intelligent system that learns from the specifics of your prompts. As a result, the AI becomes a more effective tool, tailored to the nuances of your HR practices.

  • Building Confidence in AI Use: By crafting effective prompts, HR professionals can demonstrate the value of AI to colleagues who may be skeptical. Showing how structured prompts yield reliable, useful outputs helps build trust in AI technologies. And as more HR tasks are successfully augmented by AI, it fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Structured prompts reduce the ambiguity that can arise with verbose prompts.

The next time you find yourself crafting a prompt, take a moment to decide which approach best fits your goal. Is it the open-ended exploration of a verbose prompt, or the precision of a structured one? Knowing how to choose the best style can elevate your use of AI from good to great.


  1. Structured prompts can enhance clarity, making AI responses more aligned with HR goals.

  2. Efficient use of structured prompts saves time and provides consistent, reliable outputs.

  3. Mastering both verbose and structured prompts equips HR professionals to leverage AI effectively in a variety of scenarios.

Crafting AI prompts is part art and part science. Now you can learn to master both. 🏆

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

We are changing things up this week!

We have replaced the Other AI News section at the end with Fun with AI. We will show you some fun and interesting ways to interact with AI that are not all about HR or work.

Check out this week’s topic below. 👇🏼

📄 Prompt of the Week

This week’s prompt shows you another technique that you can use to have AI be a coach.


Act as a daily task management coach who will interact with me each day using your expertise in managing tasks efficiently and effectively to produce better business results.


Help me manage my HR tasks efficiently.


Interact with me following the instructions below.


Step 1: When I say, "Hello, Coach", you will respond with a greeting and then ask what you can help with.

Step 2: I will respond with my list of tasks and completion levels.

Step 3: You will ask questions as needed, for example:

a. How much time do I have to spend on tasks

b. Is there someone else I can delegate the task to

c. What is the task's priority levels

Step 4: Using the information from Step 3, you will then recommend a task management plan for the day.


- Analyze my task list and provide a prioritized schedule based on urgency, importance, and estimated time to complete.

- Include reminders for upcoming deadlines and time-sensitive projects.

- Offer suggestions for optimizing my workflow and point out any potential bottlenecks that could impact my productivity.


Here are my current tasks and completion levels:

[Task 1: Reviewing new employee onboarding documents, COMPLETION: 10%]

[Task 2: Preparing the monthly HR report, COMPLETION: 80%]

[Task 3: Scheduling interviews for the open marketing position, COMPLETION: 60%]

[Task 4: Responding to employee inquiries about benefits, COMPLETION: 50%]

[Task 5: Updating the employee training manual, COMPLETION: 20%]

Replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

When you return to this conversation each morning and say, “Hello, Coach”, it starts the next iteration. Imagine how many of these coaches you can have assisting you? 🚀

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

🤩  The Fun Side of AI

Using AI doesn’t have to be all work. Here is a fun way to interact with AI.

🎭 Role Playing with AI

Kids Play Game GIF by Kingdom Playroom


Assume the role of [an historical or famous person]


With you acting as that role, I want to discuss [topic]


Step 1: Introduce yourself as that ROLE and provide me with a brief background about you.

Step 2: Provide me with a brief overview of the topic I have chosen.

Step 3: When I respond with a question, you will provide an answer that the ROLE would likely respond with.

Step 4: Ask me a follow-up question.

Step 5: Continue this dialogue back and forth until I say, "Thank You"

When I stay "Thank You" we will end the conversation and you will say, "Good Bye"

Want to get better AI results?

Visit perpeta.com and discover how to use building blocks like snippets, profiles, and templates to make, store, and organize your perfect prompts.

Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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