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Navigating Bias and Privacy Concerns when Using AI in HR

Practical Solutions for Protecting Your Workforce While Using AI

In partnership with

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🌟 How to Minimize Bias and Secure Data with Smarter AI Prompts

As HR professionals, we are the guardians of our organization’s most sensitive information—our people’s data. So, when we talk about integrating AI into HR processes, there’s a big question we must all ask: How do we protect employee privacy while leveraging the power of AI? 🤔

On one hand, AI promises to transform HR with efficiencies, smarter decision-making, and insights we never had before. On the other hand, AI brings new challenges, especially around two key issues: biases in large language models (LLMs) and protecting personally identifiable information (PII). If you are shaking your head right now, thinking about the potential risks, you’re exactly where you need to be. This newsletter is here to help you navigate these challenges.

So, how do we, as HR professionals, make sure we’re using AI responsibly? How do we avoid unintentionally reinforcing biases or mishandling sensitive data? It starts with understanding the risks and then learning how to prompt AI in ways that minimize those risks. Yes, learning to prompt effectively makes a huge difference in how AI performs and protects. Trust me, by the end of this, you’ll see why sharpening your AI prompt skills is more important than ever.

Biases in LLMs: The Unseen Risk

We’ve all heard it—AI is only as good as the data it’s trained on. Large language models are built using massive amounts of text from the internet, and guess what? That data often carries human biases. These biases can seep into your AI-driven hiring tools, performance evaluations, or even diversity programs if you’re not careful.

The real problem? LLMs might unintentionally suggest patterns that favor one group over another, even when it’s not obvious. For HR, this is critical. The last thing we want is for AI to recommend candidates or processes that reflect biases we’re actively trying to eliminate.

How do we address this? By learning to prompt AI in ways that help reduce these risks. For example, you can ask AI to analyze outcomes from a neutral perspective or explicitly instruct it to focus on fairness across different demographics. The better your prompts, the better your results—and that’s where Paul can help. Crafting thoughtful prompts can be your best line of defense against bias.

Your Legal and Ethical Duty to Protect PII

The second big issue? Personally identifiable information (PII). In HR, we handle a lot of sensitive data—employee names, social security numbers, job histories, and more. AI models are powerful, but they can also be data-hungry, and if we’re not careful, we might inadvertently share more than we should. 😨

Imagine feeding an AI tool with detailed employee information to help with workforce planning or talent reviews. If the model isn’t properly designed to protect privacy, sensitive data could be exposed or misused. Worse, if the AI retains this information, it can even generate responses that reference it later—putting your organization at risk of a serious data breach.

This is why it’s essential to structure your AI prompts carefully. Making sure that your AI engine is secure and private is a first step. Even with that in place, specifying exactly what the AI should or shouldn’t do with PII can help keep your data secure. For example, you might instruct the AI to anonymize data or focus on trends rather than individual details. Again, better prompts lead to better privacy protection.

You get better AI results when you build better prompts.

As HR professionals, why do we need to use AI in the first place? Let’s explore three key reasons.

1. AI enhances decision-making with data-driven insights

HR teams make countless decisions every day, from hiring to performance reviews. AI can analyze vast amounts of data and provide insights that might take humans weeks to process. For instance, AI can help identify trends in employee turnover, predict future staffing needs, or even recommend personalized training programs. But to unlock these benefits, HR professionals must understand how to ask the right questions of AI, ensuring the insights are relevant and actionable.

2. AI saves time on repetitive tasks

One of the biggest advantages of AI is its ability to automate repetitive tasks. Think of all the time HR teams spend on scheduling interviews, screening resumes, or sending follow-up emails. AI can handle these tasks at scale, freeing up your team for more strategic work. However, the key to leveraging this time-saving power lies in how you prompt AI to take on these tasks. A well-crafted prompt can ensure that AI handles tasks efficiently and without errors, while a poor one could lead to misunderstandings or missed opportunities.

3. AI supports diversity and inclusion goals when prompted correctly

As mentioned earlier, biases in AI are a legitimate concern. But when used thoughtfully, AI can be an incredible tool for promoting diversity and inclusion. By prompting AI to analyze hiring practices, assess diversity metrics, or even suggest ways to improve inclusion in the workplace, HR professionals can lead the charge in building a more equitable organization. The trick is knowing how to frame your prompts to get AI to support, rather than hinder, these goals.

At the end of the day, how AI performs in your HR processes depends largely on how you interact with it. Learning to craft thoughtful, effective prompts is not just a skill—it’s a necessity for any HR professional looking to harness AI responsibly and ethically.

The good news? You don’t have to figure this out alone. Paul is here to help you develop these crucial prompt-crafting skills so that you get the most robust responses from your AI tools while understanding its biases, then minimizing how the biases would impact your decisions.


  1. Be mindful of biases in LLMs and use well-crafted prompts to minimize them.

  2. Protect PII by instructing AI to focus on anonymized data and avoid handling sensitive details.

  3. Sharpen your AI prompting skills to maximize the potential of AI while safeguarding privacy and ethical standards.

Are you ready to explore more ways AI can elevate your HR practices? 🚀

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

We all fear what we don’t understand. The best way to overcome this fear is to become engaged. Study, learn from experts, and develop an understanding of what AI can do for you so that you can help others understand how to use AI effectively.

📄 Prompt of the Week

Need a way to spot potential biases in your AI results? Try this prompt.


You are an AI specialist skilled in identifying potential biases in AI outputs, particularly in HR-related scenarios.


Analyze the potential biases that may exist in the AI results you just provided and provide a description of these biases, how they may arise, and their possible impact on HR decision-making. Include an explanation of how these biases could influence hiring, promotions, or other HR processes.


The goal is to understand the types of biases that may appear in AI-generated results and assess how they might affect decision-making within an HR context. Additionally, provide ways to mitigate these biases when using AI in HR functions.


Summarize the most common types of biases in AI, such as data bias, algorithm bias, and interaction bias.

Provide specific examples of how these biases could manifest in HR scenarios (e.g., biased hiring recommendations, skewed performance assessments, etc.).

Suggest practical steps to minimize these biases when using AI in HR decisions, including how to adjust prompts or cross-check AI results.

If needed, use the following data provided for a specific analysis:

Example AI Results: [Insert specific AI-generated data or examples here]


Summary of AI bias types

Explanation of how each bias may affect HR decisions

Steps to minimize bias and ensure fair AI-driven outcomes

Replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

This prompt guides you through understanding and mitigating AI biases using your specific data or scenarios.

Doesn’t that sound incredible? You leave the webinar with more than a slide deck – you will have a library of building blocks to continue building awesome AI prompts. 🚀

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You have not attended a webinar like this one before. 🤩

When you register for this webinar, you don’t just get a 60-minute interactive discussion on building better AI prompts, you also get:

  • A one-year subscription to a Perpeta Premium Membership (a $199 value)

  • A pre-built library of dozens of snippets, profiles, and prompts to get you started

  • An actual hands-on walk through of using Perpeta with your data to build awesome prompts

🤩  The Fun Side of AI

Using AI doesn’t have to be all work. Here is a fun way to interact with AI.

✍🏼 Food Poetry

Cat Food GIF

Act as a creative poet.

Write a fun, 16-line poem about my favorite food.

Keep the tone light and playful. Make sure the poem is short, creative, and includes vivid descriptions of the food.

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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