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  • Talk Nerdy to Me: Our Natural Language is the New Binary

Talk Nerdy to Me: Our Natural Language is the New Binary

Discover how to turn everyday language into powerful AI commands

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🌟 Interacting with AI is NOT Like Talking with a Human

For millennia, we've used natural language to communicate, from cave drawings to digital text messages. Yet, despite our best efforts, misunderstandings and misinterpretations are a constant challenge. Biases, experiences, and word choices can all color the meaning behind our words, leading to confusion or even conflict.

When you introduce a computer into the mix, these issues can multiply. Tone, emotion, and intent are often lost in translation, leaving room for miscommunication. This was especially true in the early days of computing where we had to rely on software developers to translate our needs into binary code—an entirely different language. But now, with AI, we are in a new era where we can speak directly to computers using our natural language.

This sounds like a breakthrough, and it is. But it's not without its challenges. AI, despite its incredible capabilities, doesn't truly understand the nuances of human emotion or intent. It processes words, but it doesn't "feel" them. The solution? Learn how to structure prompts effectively. The way we phrase our requests can significantly impact the results we get. In a sense, we're still translating—just not into binary, but into a version of our language that a machine can process effectively.

This is where the role of the HR professional becomes even more important. As you guide your organization through the integration of AI, understanding how to communicate with these systems is key. It's about more than just what you say—it's how you say it. And learning to do this well can mean the difference between success and frustration.

Mastering How to Communicate with AI

We teach employees how to communicate. We give them tools to communicate with. But are you teaching them how to craft the prompts so that they get better AI results? Here are three ideas:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: By mastering the art of AI communication, HR professionals can streamline processes, from recruitment to employee engagement. AI can handle repetitive tasks, but only if the instructions are clear and precise. Learning to craft effective prompts ensures that AI is a tool that enhances your work rather than complicates it.

  • Mitigating Bias: Just as in human communication, the words we choose can introduce bias into AI outputs. HR professionals need to be aware of this and learn how to structure prompts that minimize this risk. By doing so, you make sure that your AI-driven processes are fair and equitable and that they reflect the values of your organization.

  • Improving Employee Experience: AI can play a significant role in improving the employee experience, from personalized training programs to responsive support systems. But to unlock this potential, HR professionals need to be proficient in crafting prompts that accurately capture the needs and concerns of employees. This not only enhances the effectiveness of the AI but also builds trust in its use.

Natural language may be the new binary, but it's not a simple transition. The way we communicate with AI requires careful consideration and practice. As HR professionals, your role in this new landscape is to make sure that AI becomes a tool for progress, not a source of confusion. By mastering AI communication, you can lead your organization into a future where technology and human insight work hand in hand.

Learning to craft effective prompts ensures that AI is a tool that enhances your work rather than complicates it.

On the topic of bias, another way you can leverage the power of AI is to ask it specifically to identify the biases it may have in the results is gives you. For example, you can add this snippet to your prompt:

Please identify 3 possible biases that may exist in the results you give me. For each bias, provide a 3-4 sentence paragraph explaining the bias, its source, and possible impacts to any decisions I may make based on these results.


Isn’t that cool? It will explain to you its biases. Imagine ever asking a human to do that? 😱 


  1. Effective communication with AI requires understanding how to structure prompts for clarity and precision.

  2. Mitigating bias in AI outputs can be achieved by careful language selection in prompts.

  3. Mastering AI communication enhances both efficiency and the employee experience in your organization.

And do not just copy/paste AI results. Stay authentic by keeping a “human in the loop” and make the AI results your own by adding your human touch.

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

Paul says this often and it is worth repeating:

You get better AI results with better prompts.

Keep learning and you will understand.

📄 Prompt of the Week

This week we are keeping it simple and sharing with you one of the most powerful prompts Paul has discovered in his AI journey:

AI: Provide me with 5 questions I should ask you to

[learn this topic: topic]

[solve this issue: issue]

Use one of those two phrases and replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

This prompt showcases how communicating with AI is not like interacting with humans. You can try asking a human this, but you are not likely to get much of an answer. Try it with AI and see what you get.

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

📱 Other AI News

Here is an AI topic we found interesting. Click on the heading to read the full article.

Tired Animation GIF by Tony Babel

I kid you not: Bzigo has created an AI-driven device that will “detect, alert, and outwit” mosquitos in your home. From their website:

How it works

  • Bzigo Iris detects mosquitoes in your room.

  • Wherever you are, Bzigo Iris keeps you informed with real-time notifications on your app and device.

  • Follow the eye-safe laser that pinpoints their location.

  • Aim, zap and relax.

Okay, then. 🤖

Want to get better AI results?

Visit perpeta.com and discover how to use building blocks like snippets, profiles, and templates to make, store, and organize your perfect prompts.

Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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