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  • Using AI to Draft Emails: Write Smarter, not Longer

Using AI to Draft Emails: Write Smarter, not Longer

Discover how AI tools can make your emails more engaging and efficient

In partnership with

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More than 300 million people use AI, but less than 0.03% use it to build investing strategies. And you are probably one of them.

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Rated at 9.8/10, this masterclass will teach how you to:

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Read time: under 4 minutes

🌟Saving Time with AI

I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.

-- Blaise Pascal

You know this feeling. You are staring at your screen, trying to craft the perfect email, only to end up with a lengthy message that misses the mark. Pascal's quote resonates with many of us because brevity is challenging, especially when we aim to be both clear and engaging.

GenAI can help you write concise, impactful emails that hit the target every time. Sounds perfect, right? Not quite. While GenAI can help you with some ideas, it requires you to provide information and guide the tool. Let’s see how you can do that.

How to use GenAI for Effective Email Writing

GenAI can assist you in drafting emails that are not only brief but also tailored to your audience. Whether you're communicating with employees, stakeholders, or potential hires, AI can help you convey your message effectively and efficiently.

  1. Summarize and Analyze: Provide GenAI with the key points you need to cover. It can summarize these points and suggest a concise, clear structure for your email. This ensures that your message is direct and to the point.

  2. Create and Refine: Use GenAI to draft your initial email. It can help you avoid common pitfalls like redundancy and filler words. Plus, it can suggest improvements to make your email more engaging and professional.

  3. Solve Problems and Develop Alternatives: If you're stuck on how to phrase a particular point or need alternative ways to present your message, GenAI can offer multiple options. This allows you to choose the best approach for your audience.

You + AI = 💥

Scenario: You are announcing a new employee engagement initiative.

Instead of spending hours crafting the perfect email, you provide GenAI with the key details: the purpose of the initiative, the benefits for employees, and the call to action. GenAI drafts a concise, engaging email that you can quickly review and send out. The result? Clear communication that excites and informs your team, all done in a fraction of the time.

HR Professionals Need to Embrace GenAI

  1. Efficiency and Productivity📈

    • GenAI can significantly reduce the time spent on drafting and editing emails. This allows HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks, enhancing overall productivity.

  2. Enhanced Communication💬

    • Clear and concise emails lead to better communication within the organization. This helps to maintain employee engagement and ensure that important messages are understood.

  3. Consistency and Professionalism🏢

    • Using GenAI helps you maintain a high standard of professionalism in your communications. This consistency is core to building trust and credibility with employees and external stakeholders.

The result? Clear communication that excites and informs your team, all done in a fraction of the time.


  1. AI can help you write concise emails that save time, improve communication, and have the impact you desire.

  2. Using GenAI ensures consistency and professionalism in your communications.

  3. Learning to craft effective prompts for GenAI is essential for maximizing its potential.

Remember, mastering the art of prompting is key to unlocking GenAI's full potential. Are you ready to enhance your email writing skills with AI?

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

How are you currently using AI in your email communications?

Start with this: what would YOU want to see as a quick email that gets to the point and gives you the information you need. Ask GenAI to take that point and develop a concise draft.

📄 Prompt of the Week

Here's a prompt to help you develop an effective and concise email about your upcoming engagement survey:

ROLE: An AI assistant specializing in HR communications.

GOAL: Help me draft a concise and engaging email to our employees about our upcoming engagement survey.

WHAT TO INCLUDE: The email should include the following elements:

  1. A brief introduction explaining the purpose of the survey

  2. The survey timeline (start and end dates)

  3. How long the survey will take to complete

  4. Assurance of anonymity and confidentiality

  5. The importance of honest feedback

  6. How the results will be used to improve the workplace

  7. A clear call-to-action for participation

TONE: Please use a friendly and professional tone.


  • The email should be no longer than 200 words.

  • Incorporate one or two short sentences to create excitement about the survey.

  • Avoid using jargon or overly formal language.

  • Use an 8th grade reading comprehension level.

  • Structure the email with a clear subject line, greeting, body (using short paragraphs or bullet points for readability), and sign-off.

CONTEXT: Here is some data about our company and engagement survey:

COMPANY NAME: [Insert your company name]
ABOUT OUR COMPANY: [Insert a brief description of your company, including vision, mission, values, culture]
SURVEY START DATE: [Insert start date]
SURVEY END DATE: [Insert end date]
SURVEY DURATION: [Insert estimated time to complete the survey]
SURVEY PLATFORM: [Insert the name of the survey platform or tool you're using]

Please generate three versions of this email, each with a slightly different emphasis or tone, so I can choose the most appropriate one for our company culture.

Replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

See how this prompt will change the way you excite your employees about getting their input and feedback.

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

📱 Other AI News

Here is a roundup of other AI news we found interesting and relevant. Click on the heading to read the full article.

Hot Girl Walking GIF

AI algorithms are capable of analyzing vast amounts of data, such as images and social media content, to identify emerging patterns and forecast popular styles. Designers can leverage these insights to create designs that align with upcoming trends and resonate with their target audience.

Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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