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Are You Wasting Time with Bad AI Prompts? Fix It Now

The Secret to Getting Reliable AI Results Every Time

📋 Building Better AI Prompts with Templates

Have you ever found yourself staring at your screen, trying to craft the perfect prompt for your AI tool? Maybe you’re thinking, "There must be an easier way to do this!" If you’ve had that thought, you’re absolutely right. The answer is templates—and they’re about to make your life a whole lot easier. 🙌

Templates aren’t just time-savers; they’re the key to unlocking consistent, accurate AI results. Think about it: when your prompts are well-structured, your AI knows exactly what you want. It’s like giving it a roadmap. A good template can transform a vague request into a specific, actionable task for AI, minimizing any confusion and boosting the quality of your results. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want more reliable responses when making decisions that impact their entire organization?

But there’s more. What if you could store these templates in a location that’s easily accessible and searchable? Imagine being able to quickly find and customize a prompt for any HR task—whether it’s recruitment, performance reviews, or even policy development. No more reinventing the wheel each time. Sounds good, right? Let’s dive into why using templates is a must for any HR professional working with AI.

🔄 Consistency and Structure: The Foundation of Great Prompts

One of the biggest challenges with AI is getting it to understand exactly what you’re asking for. This is where templates come in. By using a standardized format, you make sure that your AI prompts are structured the same way every time.

For example, a good template will include sections like “Role,” “Request,” “Goal,” and “Instructions.” These sections guide the AI through what you need, and in doing so, reduce ambiguity and improve the reliability of the results. No more guessing whether the AI understands your intent—it’s all laid out clearly. That consistency helps you and your team get faster, more accurate outcomes every time.

🛠️ Customization for Specific Tasks: Flexibility Without the Hassle

While consistency is great, every task is a little different. That’s where customization comes into play. Templates provide the foundation, but they also offer the flexibility to swap out details for specific tasks.

For example, if you’re working on an onboarding plan for an employee one day and a training and development plan the next, you can use the same prompt template, adjusting only the relevant sections. By simply plugging in the right data, you can quickly tailor the prompt to suit the task at hand without starting from scratch. It’s the best of both worlds—speed and personalization.

⚡ Improved Efficiency and Learning: A Win-Win for HR Teams

Here’s where things get exciting. Not only do templates make your work faster, but they also help you learn how to craft better prompts over time. Especially if you’re new to AI, using a template can show you what elements need to be included and how to phrase them for the best results.

And as you continue using AI, you’ll find that having these templates at your fingertips makes you more adept at interacting with the technology. Over time, you’ll be able to refine and tweak the templates, making them even more effective. Paul’s expertise in prompt crafting can guide you through this learning process, helping you ask better questions and get more robust, actionable responses from AI.

A good template can transform a vague request into a specific, actionable task for AI.

Why HR Professionals Need to Use AI and Templates

Now let’s talk about why this matters so much for you as an HR professional. Why should you bother learning to use AI templates, and why does it matter for your organization? The short answer: AI is becoming an essential tool in the HR world, and templates make it easier to harness its full potential.

1. AI Streamlines HR Tasks

Whether it’s screening resumes, predicting employee turnover, or analyzing employee engagement, AI can help you get these tasks done more efficiently. But to make AI work for you, you need to prompt it correctly. Using a template helps you develop prompts that are clear, making it easier for AI to understand and deliver the insights you need. For example, by consistently using a hiring template, you can ensure your AI tools are focusing on the most important criteria and not overlooking key details.

2. AI Helps HR Stay Competitive

In today’s fast-moving business environment, staying competitive means being able to make decisions quickly and accurately. AI gives HR professionals the power to analyze vast amounts of data, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. When you use templates to guide your AI interactions, you are making decisions based on well-structured, consistent inputs, which ultimately improves the quality of your results.

3. AI Supports Strategic HR Initiatives

HR isn’t just about day-to-day tasks—it’s about driving strategic initiatives, like improving diversity and inclusion, boosting employee engagement, and developing long-term talent strategies. AI can help with all of this, but only if it’s prompted effectively. Templates guide you to ask the right questions and use AI in a way that aligns with your strategic goals. For example, if you’re using AI to analyze promotion patterns, a well-structured template can help ensure that biases are minimized and fairness is prioritized in the analysis.


  1. Templates provide structure and consistency, making your AI prompts more effective.

  2. Customization allows you to tailor each prompt for specific HR tasks, saving time and effort.

  3. Using templates speeds up your learning curve with AI, helping you build better prompts over time.

Take the first step today by creating or refining your own AI templates.

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

So, are you ready to take your AI interactions to the next level? Using templates is one of the simplest and most effective ways to ensure consistency, save time, and improve the quality of your AI outputs. And don’t forget—Paul is here to help you master the art of prompt crafting, so you can get even better results.

📄 Prompt of the Week

Communication is key in any organization. Try this prompt to improve your skills.


You are a communication expert assisting a team in improving their internal communication methods for enhanced collaboration and productivity.


Analyze the current communication methods within the team, identify challenges, and suggest strategies for improvement.


The team is looking to enhance communication across different channels to ensure that all members are informed, engaged, and able to collaborate effectively.


1. Current Communication Methods:

- Analyze the team's existing communication methods. Include details about [email, instant messaging, video calls, project management tools, in-person meetings, etc.].

- Provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

2. Common Communication Challenges:

- Identify common communication challenges faced by the team, such as [misunderstandings, delayed responses, lack of feedback, information overload, unclear instructions].

- Suggest how these challenges impact team productivity and collaboration.

3. Strategies for Improvement:

- Recommend practical strategies to improve communication. Consider methods like [regular check-ins, clear agendas for meetings, using collaborative tools, setting response time expectations, promoting open feedback].

- Tailor the suggestions to fit the team's specific needs and work environment [remote, hybrid, in-office].

4. Implementing Communication Best Practices:

- Provide a list of best practices for effective communication, such as [active listening, concise messaging, using visual aids, assigning a communication coordinator].

- Explain how these practices can be implemented and maintained within the team.

5. Enhancing Engagement:

- Suggest ways to increase engagement and participation during meetings and discussions. Include ideas like [interactive tools, open Q&A sessions, rotating meeting facilitators, team-building activities].

- Highlight the benefits of each approach for fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

6. Feedback Mechanisms:

- Propose feedback mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of communication improvements. Options might include [surveys, one-on-one meetings, feedback forms, regular team reviews].

- Explain how continuous feedback can help refine communication strategies.

7. Measuring Success:

- Define metrics to measure the success of communication improvements, such as [reduction in miscommunications, improved project completion times, increased team satisfaction, higher engagement rates].

- Provide a timeline for evaluating these metrics and adjusting strategies as needed.

Replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

This prompt guides you through the challenges of communicating effectively.

Doesn’t that sound incredible? You leave the webinar with more than a slide deck – you will have a library of building blocks to continue building awesome AI prompts. 🚀

Check out the schedule of upcoming webinars - and Join Us!

You have not attended a webinar like this one before. 🤩

When you register for this webinar, you don’t just get a 60-minute interactive discussion on building better AI prompts, you also get:

  • A one-year subscription to a Perpeta Premium Membership (a $199 value)

  • A pre-built library of dozens of snippets, profiles, and prompts to get you started

  • An actual hands-on walk through of using Perpeta with your data to build awesome prompts

What you'll learn:

  • Master the fundamentals of crafting effective AI prompts for precise results

  • Transform your questions into powerful prompts that unleash AI's potential

  • Learn to boost your efficiency using templates and frameworks for prompt creation

  • Personalize your prompts by incorporating variables and dynamic data

  • Understand safety and privacy while responsibly using AI tools

  • Elevate your career by acquiring in-demand AI prompting skills

  • Apply your knowledge with hands-on practice in real-world scenarios

  • Turn complex ideas into concise prompts that AI understands perfectly

🤩  The Fun Side of AI

Using AI doesn’t have to be all work. Here is a fun way to interact with AI.

✍🏼 Lighten Things Up

Funny Girl Laughing GIF by @SummerBreak

You are a creative AI with a knack for bringing humor into the workplace.

Create a lighthearted, funny email that I can send to my team to boost morale. The email should be fun but professional, and it should include a workplace-related joke or pun.

The goal is to brighten the team's day with humor while maintaining a professional tone. The email should be positive and encourage a collaborative atmosphere.


  1. Start with a friendly greeting to the team.

  2. Include a workplace-related joke or pun to set the fun tone.

  3. End with an upbeat message encouraging the team to have a great day and keep up the good work.


  • Friendly greeting

  • Workplace joke or pun

  • Positive closing message

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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