AI is Your Secret Weapon, Not a Dirty Secret

Embrace AI in HR without guilt or embarrassment

Table of Contents

Read time: under 4 minutes

🌟 Are you Proud to Use AI? You Should Be!

It’s time to address the elephant 🐘 in the room.

As an HR professional, do you hesitate to admit that you use AI in your work? 

I have heard from many of you that you feel this way.

When the discussions around AI often center on its potential downsides like loss of authenticity, fears of "cheating," or even concerns about job displacement, it’s easy to feel conflicted about openly embracing AI. But let’s flip the narrative.

Using AI isn’t about taking shortcuts or compromising your values. It’s about enhancing your capabilities, expanding your reach, and bringing new levels of efficiency to your role. When you use AI to draft reports, analyze data, or even craft personalized employee experiences, you’re not replacing the human element—you’re amplifying it. You’re freeing up time to focus on strategic decisions, creative problem-solving, and the interpersonal aspects of HR that AI simply can’t replicate.

Why feel guilty about that? Every tool that’s ever changed the workplace, from typewriters to computers to the internet, was met with skepticism at first. But just like those tools, AI is here to elevate what we do, not diminish it. So, let’s own it.

Do You Talk to Your Colleagues?

If you are like me, you interact with consultants or colleagues on a regular basis. You ask them questions. You bounce ideas around. Do you feel guilty doing that? Of course not. So think of AI as a tool that is similar to a very talented colleague. Here are three examples of what this can look like:

Focused Conversations: Just like a consultant, AI can help narrow down broad topics into more focused discussions. When you ask an AI a question, it processes your input and provides targeted responses, much like how a consultant would guide you through a conversation to reach specific insights. The interaction is driven by your queries, and the AI tailors its responses to fit the context, helping you dig deeper into the topic at hand.

Objective Feedback: AI, like a well-informed colleague, provides objective feedback based on the data it has been trained on. It doesn’t bring personal biases into the conversation, making it similar to consulting with someone who offers insights based on facts and expertise rather than opinions. This can be particularly useful in decision-making processes, where impartial advice is crucial.

Iterative Learning and Improvement: Both AI and a consultant or colleague can engage in iterative discussions. As you continue to interact with AI, you refine your prompts, and the AI adjusts its responses, helping you to better understand the subject or reach more effective solutions. This is akin to the back-and-forth discussions you might have with a consultant, where each exchange builds on the previous one, leading to continuous improvement in understanding or strategy.

To wrap up, interacting with AI can mimic the dynamic, constructive, and focused dialogues you would have with a consultant or colleague, which helps you you explore and refine your ideas effectively.

Using AI is about enhancing your capabilities, expanding your reach, and bringing new levels of efficiency to your role.

So the next time you begin to feel embarrassed to admit you use AI, or someone challenges your authenticity or ethics, be prepared to explain to them how it is no different than interacting with an intelligent colleague or consultant.


  1. AI in HR is not about replacing the human element, but enhancing it.

  2. Using AI strategically can make you more efficient and free up time for what really matters.

  3. Mastering AI is the right step in future-proofing your career and staying competitive in the evolving workplace.

Remember: Stay authentic by keeping a “human in the loop” and make the AI results your own by adding your human touch.

Use AI to be a better you, not another you. 🏆

Perpeta Paul Pointer:

If you are really confident in your use of AI, when someone challenges you, ask them how they are future-proofing their career with AI. That might just get them thinking…

📄 Prompt of the Week

Here's a prompt that can prepare you with thoughtful, evidence-based responses that not only defend your choice to use AI in your job but also educate others on the value of AI in modern HR practices.

Help me develop thoughtful and professional responses to colleagues or stakeholders who challenge my use of AI in my HR role. Consider the following aspects:

  1. Defending the Value of AI:
    Explain how AI enhances my ability to make data-driven decisions and improves efficiency without replacing the human element in HR.

  2. Addressing Concerns About Authenticity:
    Provide responses that reassure others that using AI is about augmenting my capabilities, not undermining my authenticity as an HR professional.

  3. Highlighting Ethical Use:
    Include talking points on how AI can be used ethically in HR, with transparency and fairness, ensuring it aligns with company values.

  4. Emphasizing AI as a Tool, Not a Crutch:
    Craft a response that positions AI as a tool that supports, rather than substitutes, the critical thinking and judgment of HR professionals.

  5. Educating on AI's Role in the Future of Work:
    Develop a narrative that explains how AI is an inevitable part of the future workplace, and why it's important for HR professionals to lead by example in adopting and mastering it.

  6. Personal Experience:
    Reflect on any personal experiences where AI has positively impacted my work, and use these as examples in my responses.

  7. Balancing Technology with Human Touch:
    Address concerns by explaining how AI allows me to focus more on the human aspects of HR by automating routine tasks.

Use the points above to create a structured response that can be tailored to different scenarios. Include any data, statistics, or examples that might strengthen these arguments.

Context Data:

[Insert specific examples or experiences where AI has helped you in your HR role]

Replace the items in the [ and ] brackets to meet your specific needs.

This prompt will prepare you to handle skepticism with confidence as you explain and educate how AI improves your HR superpowers.

Want to learn more about building great prompts? Paul publishes a Prompt a Day newsletter on LinkedIn!

Click Here to subscribe and get a daily idea of how to create powerful and effective prompts across a variety of topics, both personal and professional.

📱 Other AI News

Here is an AI topic we found interesting. Click on the heading to read the full article.

Artificial Intelligence Dog GIF by Storyful

Once upon a time Tamagotchis sparked our imaginations with their virtual pet caring capabilities. Fast forward a few years and we're now living in an era where physical manifestations of AI powered pets are a reality- and they're more lifelike than ever before. With the rise in demand for companionship (particularly in areas where owning traditional pets might be tricky) these robotic animals offer solace, entertainment and therapeutic benefits to people of all ages. 🤖


Until next time, keep managing and developing people, one AI prompt at a time! 💎


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